Either select a region/city from the map or choose a city from the list to switch to a more detailed map interface.
The METAR Repository or simply metarr is a web-mapping service, gathering and visualizing METARs for the European continent. According to Wikipedia METAR is defined as:
...meteorological aviation routine weather report, a textually-based format for reporting weather information...
A METAR station record, a code for a specific weather situation, looks like this . Below is a list with some of the weather states translated.
LOWW1 251700Z2 31025KT 15KM SCT0253 01/M074 Q1000
The periodically published METARs are being collected, decoded and stored by metarr into its repository. Based on the gathered reports selective states of the weather situation are graphically represented as well as detailed weather reports are on demand available. All this is spatially browseable on a map, even for "METAR-illiterate".
The METAR Repository or simply metarr is a student project of the Cartographic Conception and Design course, hold at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformation at the Univerisity of Vienna.
It has been developed and implemented by Christian Sam, if you have comments or questions don' t hesitate and get in contact.
To obtain the source code please visit metarr's project page at:
Clemens Naderer and Joachim Ungar for compiling a Europe-wide airport list, doing METAR research and creating the map tiles.